Transfer Without Substantial Harm Can Be Unlawful Discrimination Says U.S. Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has ruled that a discriminatory job transfer that causes some harm violates Title VII.  Prior to today’s decision, the lower federal courts almost all required a transferee plaintiff to prove “material”, “substantial”, “significant”, or some other heightened level of disadvantage.  

The Supreme Court’s April 17...

Transfer Without Substantial Harm Can Be Unlawful Discrimination Says U.S. Supreme Court Continue reading…

Discrimination Claims Based On Mental Health Rising

The COVID-19 pandemic may be among the reasons for the increase in the last two years. The EEOC observed that “employees with certain pre-existing mental health conditions, for example, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder … may have more difficulty handling the disruption to daily life that has accompanied the...

Discrimination Claims Based On Mental Health Rising Continue reading…

MARKET MATTERS: Time’s Almost Up — Mandated Sexual Harassment Training Deadline Looms For CT Businesses

With the media focused on Harvey Weinstein’s trial and conviction, we are seeing firsthand the reverberating impact of the #MeToo movement. It should serve as a reminder that Connecticut has a new law with a looming deadline for businesses to...

MARKET MATTERS: Time’s Almost Up — Mandated Sexual Harassment Training Deadline Looms For CT Businesses Continue reading…